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Welcome to the home page for The GLOBAL DISTRIBUTED DIARY. Take a look at What's New in our web.

Project summary

The GLOBAL DISTRIBUTED DIARY project is an experimental project aimed at gaining knowledge of how systems can support integration of mobile nodes, and how distributed applications can be built that behave properly under the very variable conditions that may occur in such integrated systems.

The project has two main scientific goals. First, to address and devise solutions to the data consistency problems that arises when small, personal, variably connected mobile machines are integrated into an infrastructure for data sharing dominated by stationary, well connected computers. Second, to devise a distributed application (a distributed diary), along with appropriate system support (which includes security), that handles consistent read/write sharing of replicated data between a large set of heterogeneous, variably connected computers.

The GLOBAL DISTRIBUTED DIARY will be used as our research vehicle, and has few scientific merits per se. However, by exploiting the possibilities provided by the GLOBAL DISTRIBUTED DIARY, a wide range of problems can be investigated.

The project is support by the Research Council of Norway, Distributed IT Programme (DITS), grant no. 112577/431, and by ESPRIT IV through cooperation with the Moby Dick project (LTR 20422).

See this page for an extended project descrition.

What's New

The following is a list of recent additions to our web. Whenever we publish a paper, write a specification, submit a status report, or add anything else to our web, we'll put a notice here. Every month we'll remove the oldest items. The most recent changes are listed first, and each item is linked to the page with the updated content.

March 1996

August 1996

September 1996

December 1996

Februar 1997

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Last updated: January 21, 1997.