I currently teach a course on operating systems in the spring semester and concurrent programming in the fall semester. I believe it is important to apply the principles of open access to both scientific publications and teaching. I therefore publish all content of my courses on the web. Note that for some courses where we were multiple teachers, so some content may not be available.
I wrote a guide and template that others at UiT can use to open access their own courses. Thanks to Bjørn Fjukstad for making the template I based mine on.
Three of my students have received awards for their master's thesis:
Another master student, Johan Ravn, is doing a startup based on his master project.
As a faculty member at the Department of Computer Science, University of Tromsø I have taught:
When I was a post doc at Princeton University I was a TA in COS 318 - Operating Systems (fall 2009).
As a graduate student and undergraduate student at the University of Tromsø I was TA in a number of courses: